John 10:28-30

“I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one.”


These words from Jesus are a powerful reminder of the security we have in Him. As believers, we have eternal life and nothing can separate us from the love of God. We are secure in His hands and in the hands of the Father.

So how do we apply this passage to our lives? First, we must trust in the promise of eternal life that Jesus gives us. We can have confidence that we will never perish and that nothing can snatch us out of His hand. Even in the midst of trials and struggles, we can hold onto the assurance of His love and care for us.

Secondly, we must remember the importance of our relationship with the Father. Jesus tells us that no one can snatch us out of the Father's hand, emphasizing the importance of our connection to Him. We must prioritize our relationship with God and seek to deepen our faith through prayer, Bible study, and worship.

Ellen G. White once wrote, "We are to behold Christ, that we may become changed into His likeness, partakers of the divine nature." As we focus on Christ and seek to become more like Him, we will find ourselves growing closer to the Father and experiencing the security that comes from being in His hands.

Finally, we must live our lives with gratitude for the security we have in Christ. We can live with confidence and hope, knowing that we are held in His hands and that nothing can separate us from His love. And we can share this hope with others, offering the assurance of eternal life to those who may be struggling with fear or doubt.

May we never forget the security we have in Christ. May we live our lives with confidence in His love and care for us, and may we seek to deepen our relationship with the Father. For in Him, we have the promise of eternal life and the assurance of being held in His hands forever.