There are many interesting things happening at our church!
We closed out the month of August with our Family River Rafting Trip in Oakdale. It was a scenic, mellow, and social day on the water! Join us next year!!
Also in August we welcomed Damaris Muturi to the family of God and to the Hayward Seventh-day Adventist Church family at our August All-church Potluck meal. We also welcomed sister Karen and her new husband, and we celebrated August birthdays. Welcome all!
Damaris with Pastor Tyler and with Deaconesses Alice and Lidia at her baptism.
Top left: Sister Karen and her new husband
Top right: Sister Tasi with new member Damaris
Bottom right: Sisters Lidia and Tasi, potluck organizers this month. Thank you!
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In June and July we had our monthly All-church Potlucks celebrating June and July birthdays. And in July over 55 kids attended our annual Vacation Bible School! Fun was had by all, both kids and adults!!
Volunteers enjoying the setup (and light lunch) the day before.
Some of the daily outdoor activities in the beautiful Bay Area weather!
Indoor activities were lead by volunteers for registration, for snacks, and by group leaders both adults and teens. Thank you all! If you missed it, join us next year!!
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May brought our Social Committee's Mother's Day Celebration Lunch. A big thank you to the all the men and young people for serving. Fun and tasty food were shared by all!