Community Connections

Our church is very active when it comes to helping others and sharing God's love with them. We have children's programs, regular community feeding events,  two weekly prayer meetings, our Saturday morning services, and so much more!

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Media Connections

We offer a lot of different ways to connect with us digitally. From live streamed worship services, to podcasts (coming soon), to e-newsletters, to social media, and more, you'll find plenty of ways to engage and grow.

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Latest News

There are many interesting things happening at our church!

September brought our All-church Potluck celebrating all September birthdays.  And Family Ministries closed out the month sponsoring Family Fun Day, which started with an afternoon walk, then a short worship and burrito potluck.  The evening ended with board Game Night  What a fun day!


(Top) Our September potluck honored those with September birthdays both young and old!
(Bottom) Family Fun Day started with a walk at the Eden Landing Ecological Reserve.


Family Fun Day continued with a burrito potluck with fresh fruit, yum!


Family Fun Day ended with Game Night.  Attendees brought board games from card games to Battleship.
Bayside Principal Rafael got it started, "Let the Games Begin"!


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We closed out the month of August with our Family River Rafting Trip in Oakdale.  It was a scenic, mellow, and social day on the water!  Join us next year!!










Also in August we welcomed Damaris Muturi to the family of God and to the Hayward Seventh-day Adventist Church family at our August All-church Potluck meal.  We also welcomed sister Karen and her new husband, and we celebrated August birthdays.  Welcome all!



Damaris with Pastor Tyler and with Deaconesses Alice and Lidia at her baptism.


Top left: Sister Karen and her new husband
Top right: Sister Tasi with new member Damaris

Bottom right: Lidia and Tasi, potluck organizers this month.  Thank you!


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