1 John 3:16

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.


This verse reminds us of the ultimate act of love that Jesus showed us on the cross. He laid down His life for us, even though we were sinners and didn't deserve His sacrifice. His love was selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional.

And as followers of Christ, we are called to show that same kind of love to others. We are called to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters, to put their needs before our own, and to love them as Christ loves us.

This kind of love is not always easy. It requires us to sacrifice our own desires and put aside our own interests for the sake of others. It means being willing to help those in need, to show kindness to those who may not deserve it, and to forgive those who have wronged us.

But when we choose to love sacrificially, we reflect the love of Christ to the world around us. We become beacons of hope and light in a world that is often dark and hopeless. And we show others the incredible love that God has for each and every one of us.

In conclusion, as Seventh-day Adventists, may we always remember the sacrificial love that Jesus showed us on the cross. May we be willing to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters, and to love others as Christ loves us. And may we always be a shining example of God's love and grace to the world around us.